Why is a Deep Plane Facelift the Undisputed Winner for Facial Rejuvenation?

Example of facelift patient in her 50s
Facial rejuvenation procedures are a popular approach to restore a more youthful appearance to the face. While there are several different types of facelifts available, the deep plane facelift is often considered the undisputed winner for facial rejuvenation.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the deep plane facelift, what it is, why it’s so popular, and the benefits of this procedure.

What is a Deep Plane Facelift?

A deep plane facelift is a specialized surgical procedure that lifts and repositions the deeper tissues and muscles of the face, rather than just the skin. The procedure involves making an incision around the ear and along the hairline inorder to reposition the deeper layers of tissue (facial muscles). This technique also allows for a more comprehensive correction of the jowls and neck because the ligaments which hold these tissues down are released. When done correctly, deep plane facelift techniques allow for more natural-looking and longer-lasting results than traditional facelifts, which primarily address surface-level issues. The lift is on the muscle, not the skin which minimizes tension and poor scarring.

Why is a Deep Plane Facelift so Popular

There are a few reasons why the deep plane facelift is so popular. First, a deep plane facelift provides more natural-looking results than traditional facelifts. Because the procedure addresses the deeper tissues and muscles, the results are more harmonious with the natural contours of the face, rather than creating a “pulled” or “tight” appearance. The muscle and the skin are moved together because the skin comes along for the “ride”. In other techniques you may recognize the NIKE swoosh stigmata of a facelift in which the muscle and skin are pulled in different directions.

Second, the deep plane facelift provides longer-lasting results than traditional facelifts. By repositioning and tightening the deeper tissues, the procedure creates a more stable foundation for the skin to sit on, reducing the risk of sagging and drooping over time.

Third, the deep plane facelift can be customized to address each patient’s unique concerns, such as sagging jowls or deep nasolabial folds, to achieve the best possible outcome for each patient. The result is usually more powerful than with other traditional techniques.

Another reason I love the deep plane technique is that the downtime tends to be shorter. Bruising and swelling can be minimized because for the most part the skin (where the majority of blood vessels are found) is not disrupted to the same extent with other techniques.

Finally, the deep plane facelift results in less scarring than traditional facelifts. Because the incisions are made in the natural creases of the face, they are less visible and easier to conceal.

Example of facelift patient in her 50s
In the patient example above, facial plastic surgeon Dr. Truesdale combined a deep plane facelift with an upper blepharoplasty and fat transfer to deliver a transformative result.

Surgeon Spotlight: Dr. Carl M. Truesdale

Dr. Truesdale in Beverly Hills, CA, specializes in the extended deep plane facelift. It is his most popular procedure for full facial rejuvenation. In addition to the more natural-looking and longer-lasting results, his deep plane facelift techniques enable:

  • Reduced risk of complications: Dr. Truesdale has a delicate yet precise touch, there is a lower risk of nerve damage, bleeding, or other complications due to his extensive training and experience. He performs multiple facelifts every week.
  • Faster recovery time: The recovery time for Dr.Truesdale’s signature deep plane facelift is typically shorter than the recovery time for traditional facelifts. The majority of his patients look amazing after just two weeks.
  • More comfortable recovery: Dr. Truesdale’s comfort packages allow his deep plane facelift to often be more comfortable to recover from than traditional facelifts.


If you are interested in facial rejuvenation, it is well worth your time to consider the deep plane facelift. It provides more powerful, natural-looking, long-lasting results with a low risk of complications and a faster recovery time. To determine whether a deep plane facelift is right for you, consult with a board-certified facial plastic surgeon who can evaluate your skin, facial structure, and cosmetic concerns and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan for your needs.