The Ideal Age for a Facelift

Example of facelift patient in her 50s

Example of facelift patient in her 50s.  

The long story short is…There is no ideal age for a facelift!

With time, our faces start to show signs of aging. Facial laxity, wrinkles, and jowls can make us look older and more tired than we actually are.

You may be wondering what your options are to look (and therefore feel) more youthful. You’ve likely heard of a facelift, but may think you’re “not old enough for a facelift.”

My patients often ask me “What is the best age to get a facelift?” The answer to this question is not always straightforward. As a double board certified facial plastic surgeon, I consider a number of factors when assessing if my patients are a good fit for a facelift. Factors that can influence the ideal age for a facelift include your goals, the degree of skin elasticity, and specific cosmetic concerns.

Skin elasticity refers to the ability of your skin to stretch and recoil. Younger people typically have more elastic skin, which makes it easier to lift and tighten during a facelift. They often have less facial laxity as well. As we age, our skin loses elasticity, making it more difficult for some surgeons to achieve natural-looking results but my techniques allow me to produce natural results for patients of any age. For example, I performed a facelift on a patient in their 30s that had health issues that affected the aesthetic of their neck. While I do recommend that patients undergo a facelift when they still have good skin elasticity, typically in their 40s, 50s, or early 60s, individuals may be suitable candidates for a facelift at a younger or older age, depending on their unique goal and degree of facial aging. In fact, I recently performed a facelift on a patient who was 89 years old but in excellent health and you can see her incredibly natural results below.

Example of facelift patient in her 50s
Cosmetic goals are another important factor to consider. If you’re primarily concerned with wrinkles and fine lines, you may be able to achieve satisfactory temporary results with non-surgical treatments such as Botox, fillers, or chemical peels, especially if you’re still relatively young. However, if you have more significant sagging and drooping of the skin, a facelift is usually the most effective option. Non-surgical treatments can’t lift the skin the way surgical treatments can.

Younger patients may not have enough laxity to justify a facelift. Early signs of aging can be mitigated with minimally invasive procedures like filler and skin tightening devices. It really depends on the goal of the patient and the desired outcome.

Another consideration is to perform surgery before signs of aging are too dramatic. Many of my patients want to continue to age without showing signs of aging. They often want to be told by friends and family, “You do not seem to age”. An earlier facelift can minimize dramatic changes that happen after a lifting procedure when people have already very recognizable skin laxity.

Example of facelift patient in her 50s

Example of a facelift in their 40s

So, what’s the ideal age for a facelift? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but the best way to determine if you’re a good candidate for this procedure is to talk to a qualified facial plastic surgeon who consistently produces the kind of natural results that you’re looking to achieve. I will take the time to assess your individual needs and help you decide if a facelift is right for you.